Most NHS Scotland VC units or software clients have the ability to call internet facing IP numbers and SIP addresses for standards compliant VC units or software clients as well as external ISDN numbers. Due to the nature of internet connected IP and SIP calling we recommend you test as far in advance of your scheduled meeting as possible. Please note, we do not allow incoming IP or SIP calls from external parties. We cannot presently link with Facetime, Skype or other non-standards based software clients.

There are other methods available to you should you wish to link with an external caller. Please see our browser enabled conferencing.

UK Higher Education institutions have varied methods of contacting them. Please have a look at our recommendations should you wish to call them.

Scottish Government: most NHS Scotland VC units can place and receive IP calls from Scottish government systems. Scottish Government systems can call our numbers directly too. Our systems can call their 9-digit numbers beginning 610. If given one of their ISDN numbers instead (these begin 0131242xxxx) simply replace the 01312 part with 610.